About Our Organization

God has called Witness to the Nations to preach the gospel to the nations as a witness before His return. 

We are an international evangelistic ministry ministering to all nations with the powerful word of God. We believe that Jesus is the answer and that he is the desire of all nations. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to encourage believers everywhere to keep their fiery love for Jesus burning and boldly shining their light everywhere they go. We do that by walking in constant relationship with the Holy Ghost and no longer being a slave to sin, but having our minds renewed and walking in our divine nature, New Creations, being a willing slave of righteousness!

Our Founder

Weyman Dodson

Weyman Dodson is an International Evangelist that travels the nations preaching the powerful message Christ in Us.

“We are no longer slaves to sin, but to righteousness.”

Meet the Team

  • Weyman Dodson


  • Wilmer & Yeni Godoy

    Director of Central & South America Operations

  • Scott & Chelsea Cziraky

    Director of US Operations

  • Marcus & Darci Rautiola

    Finance/Pastoral Support

  • Roy & Patti Geesey

    Board/Pastoral Support